Antiphonal chants and other texts, [17--?].


Antiphonal chants and other texts, [17--?].

Manuscript "Mawāset," a liturgical book of antiphonal anthems and psalms with musical notation; for different festivals of the whole year (fols. 2r-29v). Followed by a short hymn (salām) to Agnātyos (fols. 30r-32v). Also includes a list of yearly festivals of the Ethiopian Church (fols. 32v-33r), a short prayer (fol. 33r-v), a composite hymn to hosts of saints and heavenly figures, but particularly Mary and Michael (fols. 34r-61r), The "Encomium of Mary" with musical notation (fols. 62r-77r), and a short theological resume concerning the Son (fol. 77r-78r). Folios 76v-78b contain numerous scratches and exercises; folios 1r and 61v are partially blank with pen trials.

1 v. (78 leaves; 2 columns, 16-20 lines) : vellum ; 14 x 15 cm.


SNAC Resource ID: 6933068

Princeton University Library

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